Research and Discovery Technologies

RESEARCH and Discovery TECHNOLOGIES supports researchers who use the HPC facilities to further their scientific research as they publish papers, obtain grants, teach students and further their goals

Jeremy Frumkin Senior Director

The Research Technologies Department of UITS has three supercomputers that are dedicated to all University researchers. They are provisioned with a large free allocation of time, free storage, an extensive software catalog, and consulting services to improve researchers time to science. These systems are refreshed every few years, and we are currently working on the purchase process for our next system. 

Environments are available to UA researchers when their government contract or award indicating they are working CUI or contract clauses, including a GCC high instance of Office 365. We provide the same collaboration and communications platform in support of CUI and ITAR research as they are used for non-regulated activities. 

Annual Profile is the University of Arizona’s online system for faculty annual reviews. It offers a convenient, user-friendly venue for faculty to document their achievements in research, teaching, leadership, service, and outreach. Annual Profile is meant to reduce the amount of time and effort faculty spend each year reporting on their accomplishments and increase the accuracy and consistency of their data. 

In 2021, we supported $395M of sponsored research expenditures. There were 449 active PI’s across 75 different departments. 

How can we help you? Our documentation is online and our consultants are available during Office Hours and through ServiceNow. Each semester, we conduct workshops that introduce different aspects of HPC; they are always available as recorded videos and Powerpoint documents.


Consultant Services
Chris Reidy - Manager, Research Consulting

HPC Consulting

We offer consulting assistance on everything from getting started with HPC to advanced topics on workflow and software installation.

Statistical Consulting

Our purpose is to obtain free support for statistical research projects. Most of them do not use HPC resources.

Visualization Consulting

Visualization Consulting is increasingly well supported on HPC but many of these projects do not have a direct HPC component.

Storage Consulting

We offer a variety of storage solutions to meet your data needs We can help find the right amount of storage with the right security and access to meet your research needs.

Regulated Research
Ryan Duitman

HIPAA Support Services

Our research computing environments are available to university researchers when contracts, awards, or data use agreements that require HIPAA security and privacy protection requirements. 

CUI Support Services

Controlled Unclassified Information research computing environments meet the information security requirements mandated in NIST Special Publication 800-171. 

Faculty Portfolio/Annual Profile (formerly UAVitae)
Robbie MacPherson 

For Faculty

Annual Profile allows faculty to enter and store information for use in Annual Review or their UA Profile. 

For Directors, Department Heads and Reviewers

Perform annual reviews inside of Annual Profile. 

For College & Department Coordinators

Setup and configure the annual review process.  

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