Regular Expression in Use

Utilizing new processes and tools helps keep the University cutting edge, competitive, and leaders in education and research. One new technology the University has implemented, as presented during our 2023 IT Summit in the Tech Plunge presentation, is Regular Expression, or RegEx. Amy C. Hamman, Instructional Technologist for UCATT (University Center for Assessment, Teaching, and Technology), kicked off the discussion with a packed room of engaged participants on the benefits, disadvantages, and use cases of RegEx at the University.
Multiple choice testing is not the best way to ensure students are learning. RegEx is a powerful, innovative tool used for crawling and manipulating text strings and processing text files. RegEx in D2L (the University’s online learning platform for teaching and learning), includes algorithms that can be used to auto-create free response questions in D2L Quiz—short answer, fill in the blank, arithmetic, and significant figures.
“The short answer and arithmetic questions RegEx creates are really good and are known to promote higher order thinking and knowledge synthesis,” stated Hamman. Because RegEx can automate the grading of these, instructors can create better D2L quizzes even for large classes.
Learn more about RegEx and other new technologies that are helping to shape higher education testing by listening to the full Tech Plunge presentation.