The Artist Within

“Drive in… to the Stars”
Rhonda Royse
Every year, the University of Arizona provides an opportunity for employees, retirees, volunteers, and their families to experience the joy of seeing their creative work featured in the "On Our Own Time" Art Showcase.
This year, the CIO Division had several entries that received recognition. Rhonda Royse, assistant director for identity access and integrations, was presented with a third-place award for her photo “Drive in… to the Stars,” in the intermediate category. Sonya Lopez-Escamilla, senior accounting assistant, has two daughters, Victoria, who placed in the teen category with “Kaida’s Den,” and Jacquelyn, who received honorable mention in the youth category with “Fire Kitty.”
For the love of photography
Rhonda works with the Foundational Technologies team on the University’s multi-layered identity access architecture. When asked to describe her job, she explains, “We all have different roles, with different responsibilities, that have different access requirements for the type of information that should be accessible to us or not. Our team helps to define and navigate access to various network and system resources that fit you and your role at the University.”
This year’s On Our Own Time showcase was the first time Rhonda had submitted her photos, but it is not the first time she has shown her work in public. She currently has several landscape photos hanging in the hallways of Tucson Medical Center as part of their Healing Art Program. If you visit the Clara Vista Pediatrics center at TMC, you might find her amazing owl photo on the wall.
Rhonda’s love of photography comes from her father, who is also an accomplished photographer. “My dad has been taking photos for as long as I can remember. He was taking photos back when old slides were used. Every time he would travel for work, he had a camera with him.” As Rhonda reminisces about the outings with her dad, she remembered the day he asked her if she wanted one of his cameras. “This was when film was still prevalent, unlike today’s digital cameras. But I said heck yes and tried it.” She says asking questions and learning from her dad has been at the forefront of her love of photography. “And we still go out taking photos together.”

Rhonda and her Dad
That gift of an older camera brought her into the world of black-and-white images, for which she says she still sees everything in black and white first. “And then I decide if this image is going to make an excellent color photograph or is it going to be a good black-and-white photograph.” Her experienced eye sees tones and structure as being very different between black and white or color.
Rhonda describes herself as a hobbyist. “It is the pure joy of seeing something about to happen, like a sunset or a place I want to visit because it has an impressive structure. I want to be out in nature to capture it.”
She began developing her hobby of doing portrait photos and weddings over a long time. She still enjoys that format as it brings her closer to people in their real selves. “I like taking pictures of people because I can get to that point where I see the true person and not them posing. It takes a while, usually a bit more time before they relax, because most people get nervous about having their picture taken. I'm the same way.”
From portraiture to the Milky Way, Rhonda has many creative ideas that produce amazing artistry from her camera. On a typical summer monsoon evening, she is out ‘storm chasing.’ “It is fun to watch where monsoon storms are headed and see if you can intercept them.” She explains that our amazing lightning storms in southern Arizona provide a thrill since no two are ever the same. “You don’t know where it’s going to hit, and what backdrop is going to be there when it does.”
Rhonda posts many of her photos to share with her social media following. She can be found on Facebook, Instagram, or her website.
Aspiring artists

Victoria and Jacquelyn
Sonya Lopez-Escamilla tells of her daughter Victoria’s love of drawing since she was 6. She also expresses her creativity through poetry and songs. Victoria (14 yrs.) is participating in her sixth year of On Our Own Time. Jacquelyn, (8 yrs.) loves drawing and is in her second year participating in the showcase. Both girls celebrate their love of music and dance by participating in Mexican Folklorico.
More Information
The “On Their Own Time” Art Exhibit Showcase is comprised of art from all ages and levels of ability. Each piece of artwork is judged within its classification, not based on its medium. Categories include professional, intermediate, amateur, teen and youth.
2023 Exhibit winners
Best of Show:
"Not all of us who travel on this ship have the same direction" by Sergio Castrezana, Entomology (Intermediate Category)
Art Education Award: "Wearing Wayne Thiebaud" by Sonali Coan, Immediate Family Member of Andrew Coan, Law (Teem Category)
1st: "Power of Presence" by Jennie Norris, FM-Sign Shop
2nd: "Adornment" by Kay Ross, Retired
3rd: "The Marigold Dance" by Ruben Moreno, Arizona State Museum
1st: "My Sweet Little Donkey, "Mario"" by Se Chacon, College of Veterinary Medicine
2nd: "Time" by Dietlinde DuPlessis, School of Mining and Mineral Resources
3rd: "Drive in.... to the Stars" by Rhonda Royse, UITS
1st: "Christmas in the City" by Anna Alkozei, Family & Community Medicine
2nd: "The Big One" by Samanth Wanlass, Family of Pamela Foitik, Athletics
3rd: "Thunder Rolls" by Dottie Cannons, Family of Pamela Wagner, FCM RISE HWC
1st: "right-handed" by Avery Maland, Family of Lia Falco, Disability & Psychoeducational Studies
2nd: "Kaida's Den" by Victoria Escamilla, Family of Sonya Lopez-Escamilla, UITS
3rd: "The Stars" by Anthony Son, Family of Hyewon Shin, Nursing
1st: "Golden Eggs" by Sophia Todd, Family of Michaela Todd, Surgery
2nd: "Mush-room" by Katherine Wang, Family of Steven Wang, College of Medicine
3rd: "Still Life" by Ezra Coan, Family of Andrew Coan, Law
Honorable Mentions
"Saguaro Ribs and Needles shadow study in B&W" by Sarah Moore, Tech Launch Arizona
"The Final Pose" by Winona Esher, Family of Melanie Esher, Arizona Telemedicine Program
"Lonesome George" by Jacqueline Brailey, Retiree
"White Lightning" by Pamela Wagner, FCM RISE HWC
"Growth" by Lori Coan, Family of Andrew Coan, Law
"Aqua Caliente Plein Aire" by Niko Sanchez, UA Library
"Heartstopper Diorama" by Sabina Coan, Family of Andrew Coan, Law
"Fire Kitty" by Jacquelyn Escamilla, Family of Lopez-Escamilla, UITS
"Japanese Koi Rock Set" by Sopia Todd, Family of Michaela Todd, Surgery
"Lunch" by Emery Maland, Family of Lia Falco, Disability & Psychoeducational Studies