Zoom Phone Emergency 911 Location Permissions Need to be Set
Help emergency responders find you when you need them

Image of Location Permission settings in Zoom Phone
IMPORTANT: Please verify your Zoom Phone Emergency 911 Location Permission has been turned on to locate you in case of an emergency.
Enabling this setting DOES NOT provide your location to anyone other than 911 emergency responders. It only allows the Zoom application to properly map users' location when they use Zoom to dial 911.
To enable the 911 Emergency Call "Location Permission" setting in your Zoom Phone Desktop Client application, use these instructions for Windows- and Mac-based devices. Desk phones are automatically enabled with location services.
Cellular Devices:
You can use the Zoom app from your mobile phone to dial 911, however, your local data plan carrier will remain responsible for routing all 911 calls from the device. There are no additional settings needed on mobile phone devices.
This information is being provided to you for your safety and to ensure your device is compliant with FCC E911 Requirements .
FCC E911 Location Requirement
Ray Baum’s Act
Ray Baum's Act requires a "dispatchable location" to be included when 911 is called. A dispatchable location begins with the building's street address plus additional information such as room number, floor number, and other relevant information to help first responders find the caller. This law took effect for on-premises phones on January 6, 2021. Remote workers (working from home) must enter their personal location address so they are covered with a dispatchable location as well. https://www.fcc.gov/mlts-911-requirements