ASITS Frequently Asked Questions


University Information Technology Services (UITS) is providing secure, centrally supported and institutionally funded network, server, and laptop services for colleges and divisions. The project to shift campus managed IT services to the UITS secured managed services is called Accelerating Secure IT Services (ASITS). Services include: 

The University is accelerating its information security approach to address evolving cybersecurity threats and reduce risk across the institution. ASITS will help make the University of Arizona a leader in information security and will provide a competitive advantage aiding in the opportunity to receive more grants to drive teaching and research efforts – ultimately advancing our institutional mission and better serving our community.

Since 2018, the University has been working to strengthen its information security posture by fulfilling the recommendations outlined in the Auditor General's IT Security Performance Audit. ASITS is a continuation of this work and helps to address evolving cybersecurity threats and reduce risk across the institution. The ASITS work being done across the University will ensure our faculty, students, staff, and the broader University of Arizona community receive state-of-the-art data and information security and have the tools needed to further teaching and research initiatives in a secure environment.

Migration is currently underway. While the initial timeline was for completion by June of 2025, budget allocations do not support that timeline. Progress is ongoing and will continue to be influenced by resource availability at the college, division and UITS level.  UITS staff will work closely with units and provide the support necessary to migrate their infrastructure.

For more detailed information, please visit the ASITS Program Team tab on the webpage.

UITS-Managed Service

Original Fee Structure
New Fee Structure
Managed Cloud Services & Campus Cloud Infrastructure
Original Fee StructureFunded through UITS permanent budget (UITS-architected solutions)
New Fee StructureFunded through UITS permanent budget (UITS-architected solutions)
ChangeNo change
Original Fee StructureFunded through UITS permanent budget
New Fee StructureFunded through UITS permanent budget
ChangeNo change
Secure Network
Original Fee StructureFunded through UITS permanent budget
New Fee StructureFunded through UITS permanent budget
ChangeNo change
Technology Lifecycle Care
Original Fee StructurePartially funded through UITS permanent budget, with additionally funding requested.
New Fee StructureAdditional funding was not approved; some aspects of the service move to fee-for-service
ChangeTLC Enterprise (no fee) TLC Extended (fee for service) (More information)
IT Service Management
Original Fee StructureFunded through UITS permanent budget
New Fee StructureFunded through UITS permanent budget
ChangeNo change


ASITS’ primary focus is on Secure Network Management, Secure Server Management, Secure Device Procurement and Software Management, and Improved Authentication and Management services. As these services transition into UITS, the ASITS program team will be working with individual units across the University to understand any potential impacts to business processes and identify mitigation activities to ensure continuity.

A full list of the IT liaisons can be found here. IT Liaisons partner with the units and UITS to serve as a representative for each unit’s unique needs.

No. There is no correlation between the recent technology layoffs and the ASITS program. This program is a direct response to addressing cybersecurity threats and aids to reduce institutional risk. Since 2018, the University has been working to fulfill the recommended security improvements as outlined in the Auditor General’s IT Security Performance Audit.


Each unit participating in ASITS has named an IT Liaison to help with the UITS partnership and to serve as a representative of the unit’s unique needs. The Campus IT Partnership (CITP) team will work with the UITS service area leads and the campus IT Liaisons to document the IT infrastructure that will shift from the Campus IT managed network and services to the UITS managed network and services.

Following the documentation of IT infrastructure across the IT services transitioning to UITS, academic and administrative units will begin the migration process. Additional details regarding the migration timeline will be available in Summer 2023.

Service details will depend on unique departmental needs. ASITS will collaborate with each department to gather all special considerations needed, as we acknowledge each department may vary. ASITS is an evolving program, and we are committed to maintaining transparency of program information. To have the most up-to-date information on the real-time progression of ASITS, please visit our ASITS website. ASITS will also have regular opportunities to engage with the program team, including Town Halls, Open Forums, and Office Hours.  


In addition to the four major services, the University is also implementing requirements for:

  • Campus Active Directories are migrating to Catnet 2.0 (BlueCat)
  • Campus email domains are migrating to UAConnect 365
  • Security Awareness Training will be required for 100% of employees, DCCs, and student workers

Security Reviews will take place in each unit every 3 years.

A complete and accurate depiction of your day-to-day work is critical to help UITS and departments collaborate on continuous improvements and potentially highlight added benefits we could bring to one another. Additionally, all data impacts the migration approach for ASITS to help the program team paint the full picture of department’s day-to-day efforts. We’re committed to keeping your information and research as protected as possible during the migration process.


Since 2018, the University has been working to strengthen its information security posture by fulfilling the recommendations outlined in the Auditor General's IT Security Performance Audit. ASITS is a continuation of this work.

In short, we’re doing ASITS because it aids the University in advancing our mission and keeping our data safe. University Leadership evaluated the current state of cyber risk and determined the time for change is now. ASITS aims to strengthen our security posture through a holistic approach.

The ASITS program has gone through rigorous, extensive evaluation and strategic planning to ensure that the program, its timeline, those involved, and its execution occur with the best outcome for academic and administrative units. As ASITS continues with its overarching program plan to adhere to deadlines and complete program milestones, the program team is open to receiving feedback and will make every effort to be inclusive of the unique needs of units across the University.

UITS is continuously and diligently working to align requests and combine outreach whenever possible. UITS strives to reach out to departments as one voice and we acknowledge there is work to be done regarding this goal.


A simplified and easier user experience is the priority and having mapped drives will cause administrative and troubleshooting issues, posing a threat to that experience.

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