Technology Lifecycle Care Project

Technology Lifecycle Care

UITS will manage your department’s desktops, laptops, and tablets—from purchase through refresh.

TLC will provide a simple, secure, and reliable workstation management experience.

TLC Enterprise Chart

TLC Extended Model

Office Hours

Office Hours on hold. Please check back soon for new days and times.

Services and Costs

TLC Enterprise is the required offering, tailored to colleges and divisions with robust IT staffing who primarily need to leverage TLC’s inventory, security practices, and device management. 

  • UITS funded, no cost to unit for service 

  • Unit must refresh hardware when hardware can no longer run operating systems actively managed and patched by UEM

TLC Extended provides colleges and divisions with a full suite of services, including components from the TLC Enterprise option, plus outstanding user and unit-level support. 

  • $500 per FTE, per year for support service 

  • Unit must refresh hardware when hardware can no longer run operating systems actively managed and patched by UEM

See more specifics about the two service levels.


Before your department can be scheduled, it must have:

  • University O365 email
  • CatNet 2.0 Active Directory
  • Any local file shares moved to cloud
  • IT staff access to ServiceNow ticketing

In TLC Extended, UITS introduces the support team to employees, with next steps and answers to questions.

UITS inventories all the desktops, laptops, and tablets currently used by employees.

  • This includes all unit-owned workstations for benefits-eligible faculty and staff. It does not include DCC or student worker workstations, research equipment, labs, or classrooms.

UITS Desktop Support will bring workstations into alignment with best practices for security and configuration. 

See TLC Onboarding Schedule.

Is your department onboarding? Find out more.


Employees are able to add software they need from an app store accessed right from their desktop. 

UITS assumes ongoing responsibility for configuration, security, maintenance, and support.

  • This includes patches and updates to software and operating system.

UITS provides technology to new hires.

Employees can request Desktop Support and warranty repair from UITS, or available in person at the Tech Studio.

The Technology Lifecycle


tech lifecycle from purchase to support to refresh

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