Michael Medina

Michael’s University of Arizona portfolio includes the 24/7 Support Center and User Support departments which includes 24/7 Support Center, Service Continuity, Self-Service and Training, Office of Student Computing Resources, Desktop Support, Endpoint Management, and Classroom Technology Services. He leads from a service perspective, and he has years of experience in finding solutions that meet both user needs and IT best practices.
The Support Services teams ensure that the end users from all campus constituencies can access and use the technologies they need to fulfill their academic, research, and administrative work, with the goal of providing excellent customer service and world class support. This includes maintaining strong partnerships with service owners in UITS and with campus IT staff and stakeholders.
Michael has over 25 years of IT experience and has been with the University of Arizona since 2014. He joined UITS in 2023. Previously, he served as the IT Director for Business Affairs Auxiliary Services where he led the Student Union, Bookstore, and Parking and Transportation IT team implementing organizational improvements for effective intersectionality of these departments and alignment with enterprise technology strategy. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Technological Entrepreneurship and Management and a Master of Science in Information Management from Arizona State University.
Organizational Chart for IT Support Services (UAccess login)
Read about IT Support Services on the About Us page.