
The Laguna Elementary Beautification Project is in need of volunteers!
This project is a multi-phase, multi-year project to improve children's learning environment at Laguna Elementary by:
- Planting trees
- Resurfacing bike lane
- Installing landscape rocks
- Cleaning and landscaping
On Friday, October 21st we have committed to lend a helping hand. We are looking for volunteers to fill one of two shifts.
- Morning Shift: 9am - 12pm
- Afternoon Shift: 1pm - 4pm
5001 North Shannon Road
Tucson, Arizona 85705
The school will provide lunch for volunteers from 12PM –1PM.
AM volunteers are invited to stay and PM volunteers are invited to come early to socialize with other UITS employees during this time.
About Laguna Elementary and the current condition of the grounds
- Laguna is a Title-1 school with 400 students
- 100 of the kids are in ELL (English Language Learners)
- 70% of the students are Hispanic
- 15% are special needs students
- The school campus is 50 years old
- A number of trees have fallen and there is little shade in the playground
- Community resources are very little that can help the school
- The school has no noise barrier against a train track that runs parallel to the school
- The bike lane was done almost 10 years back, and is now full of goathead thorns, weeds etc
- The entrance of the school is not welcoming having a big gate and all dirt
- The school only has one custodian to upkeep and maintain the building and school playground
Registration is available thru the United Way Website. Select your desired time slot from the links below.
NOTE: Enter "University of Arizona – CIO Division" in the "Select or Find Your Company/Group" field of the registration form.
- Will get a free Event T-shirt
- Will receive Lunch provided by Laguna Elementary (pizza, drinks)
- Will be recognized at the Open Forum on 10/25 11:00 AM with an “Outstanding Community Service” certificate.
Project FAQs
- Can DCCs and Contractors volunteer?
- Yes - DCCs and Contractors can participate. However, hours cannot be charged to the UA.
- Can student workers volunteer?
- Yes, all UITS employees including student workers can volunteer.
- What time reporting code should I use on my timesheet?
- UITS Employees should report volunteer time as regular time (REG for positive time reporters or STU for student workers). If you have additional questions, please contact Assistant Director for HR, Chris Wolf
- What are other ways I can support this cause?
- You could support the cause by donating via payroll deduction during UA
Cares Campaign. To sign-up for payroll deduction, go to, click on the UA Cares tile under UA Employee Main
homepage and use Flowing Wells Educational Foundation EIN 86-0754568
- You could support the cause by donating via payroll deduction during UA
- What are the days the UA Cares Campaign runs this year?
- UA Cares Campaign runs from September 30th to November 4th.
- Will parking be available?
- Parking will be available on site.