First Unit Completes ASITS Migrations

June 3, 2024

Arizona International is fully utilizing secure central services.

Old Server - ASITS replaced

Goodbye old Arizona International hardware, hello cloud!

Last spring, Travis Zwickl and Spencer Brummer were among the numerous information technology staff who contributed to the ASITS (Accelerating Secure IT Services) toolkit. When they took inventory of their Arizona International IT assets, Travis realized that migrating to central services, “was going to be a huge project, but that it would help with risk and get our infrastructure off of our aging servers.”

On May 23, 2024, they did it! Arizona International became the first unit to complete migrating all unit-managed services to UITS-managed services. They successfully moved:

  • 9 servers (web servers, file server, print server)
  • 9 end points (printer-copiers and digital signage)
  • 138 workstations 

Travis and Spencer collaborated with ASITS specialists to identify and prioritize where the Arizona International services would migrate to, including SharePoint, CatNet 2.0, CCI (Cloud Computing Infrastructure), printer VLANs, and Technology Lifecycle Care. The teams worked together on plans (such as where to move a website that was no longer on Arizona International hardware) and agreed on a path forward. 

The collaboration also helped with any first-time hiccups in implementation. Travis recognized Matthew Grossman and Christian Fadul for helping troubleshoot and open the necessary ports when they had problems adding client machines to the print server. He also appreciated Andrew Mac being helpful with working through issues with Workspace ONE. 

With only two IT staff and having to work around the schedule of the unit employees, it took about 2 months to move the file server to SharePoint and migrate 100 workstations to CatNet 2.0. Then they trained employees on OneDrive, SharePoint, and BlueCat, as well as get training themselves on maintaining the BlueCat environment with a PAW.

Susan Legg, Executive Director for Infrastructure Technologies, said, “A huge shoutout to Travis Zwickl and Spencer Brummer to being engaged and collaborative partners.” 

Sandy Spakoski, the program manager for ASITS, agreed. “Travis and Spencer were fantastic partners!” She appreciated their commitment and contributions, saying they were 100% focused on how to move forward. She was also incredibly impressed they did the bulk of the work, from getting the SharePoint site set up and migrations complete, to moving services from existing servers to UITS services, and finally to learning about TLC and migrating the 100 workstations to TLC themselves.

Now that they’ve completed migration, Travis is especially pleased to be using cloud services. “The biggest benefit of the entire migration is that we no longer have to maintain the servers that our data is on, and we can focus on managing the data and helping our users.” He added, “We could not have completed this process without the help of Tyson Keith [their Navigator] and Sandy Spakoski, although there were many others that helped greatly.”

Congratulations to all the teams who pulled together to complete this milestone!

Arizona International Team

  • Travis Zwickl
  • Spencer Brummer

SharePoint Team

  • Adam Brokamp
  • James Bond

Infrastructure Team

  • Shama Sinari
  • Jon Kozik

Network Team

  • Matt Grossman
  • Jim Cromwell

TLC Team

  • Jeff Albano
  • Walter Ries

CITP Navigator

  • Tyson Keith

ASITS Program Manager

  • Sandy Spakoski



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