Are You Using Your Smart Watch Or Is It Using You?

Dec. 13, 2023
Smart Watch

As IT professionals, we are often folks that are known to have the latest and greatest technology, both for personal and professional uses. People in the tech space tend to utilize devices to their fullest, most beneficial capacity and have a true appreciation for what they can do to enhance lives, work, processes, and even health. 

Wearable devices, such as smart watches and bands, the Oura Ring, and digital step trackers have increased immensely in the last year in use, with almost one in three Americans, or 56.7 million people a month, counting on these devices to provide better intel into their health and wellness. The focus on health visibility has changed so much in the last year, that working-age internet users at no more likely to own a smart health wearable device than a gaming console. 

These devices are not going to solve every health problem; a relationship with a medical professional and regular visits are still necessary. However, it is undeniable that we are living in unprecedented times. We have visibility into our daily health that we have never had access to before, thanks to technological advances at our fingertips. 

The ability to see your daily activity, rest, and heartrate, partnered with tips on when to sit down, stretch your legs, and drink water sounds like the perfect health companion piece for busy professionals, but all great technology has a downside. Are you using your smart device, or is your smart device using you? 

Although small, these tiny smart devices are mighty and store an incredible amount of your personal information, just like your laptop and cell phone does. The sensitivity you have surrounding your privacy and security on your primary devices should extend to your smart device, because there are several security risks with smart wearable devices:

  • Data Collection
  • Tracking
  • Data Leaks
  • Hacks
  • Network Vulnerabilities
  • Smart home access

Doing monthly to quarterly inventory on your smart device and its connected apps is a great way to protect your information. Remove any unnecessary app permissions. If you have not used an app for several months, consider deleting it. You can always reinstall at a later date. 

As we move into the new year, it’s a great time to continue a journey of continued health and be sure to do so cautiously with your devices, prioritizing your privacy along with your wellness journey.  

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