IT Discovery Process - Phase 2

IT Discovery Process - Phase 2

Two major work streams will be pursued through Phase 2 of the IT Centralization:

  • Organizational Discovery (people and stakeholders and how they interact)
  • Service Discovery (technology and meeting business needs)

Core Principles

Understand leadership perspective on organization and mission, and discuss options/approaches to addressing concerns

Invite the unit’s IT Liaison or senior IT leader as a core collaborator to ensure continuity of service and knowledge transfer

Involve the previous non-IT supervisor of IT employees.  

Demonstrate care for our people

  • where they may be in the change process  
  • who they are as individuals
  • how they can engage to be part of the future

Prioritize the information that needs to be collected and understood to ensure the time we are asking others to contribute is best spent 

Discovery Process

Consolidation Of Existing Information


Avoid asking duplicative questions. Utilize known information and existing data.

Organizational Leadership Conversation


Learn more about unit mission, programs and service offerings. Understand what is unique to the unit and leadership perspective on success factors.

IT Leadership Conversation


Map IT services. Understand audiences supported and perspective on critical requirements that IT services must support. Understand IT service delivery model.

UITS IT Team Meeting


Provide the unit’s IT team an opportunity to tell us what they do.

IT Professional Survey


Understand the jobs and duties each IT employee does, and how their work maps to the IT services provided to the unit they serve.

Individual Employee Meeting


Demonstrate care for each employee. Find out what they like most about their role and what their personal career goals are.

Operational Planning Team Members

  • Kelli Azlin
    Human Resources Partner, Senior
  • Alicia Brown
    Business Analyst, Principal
  • Maysoon Eshelman
    Executive Director, Campus IT Partnerships
  • Nikolas Hodge
    Architect, Foundational Technologies
  • Susan Legg
    Executive Director, Infrastructure Technologies
  • Yvonne Lorch
    IT Project Manager
  • Michael Medina
    Executive Director, IT Support Services
  • Paul Radek
    IT Product Manager
  • Kelly South
    Senior Director, Marketing / Communications
  • Darcy Van Patten
    Chief Technology Officer
  • Christopher Wolf
    Senior Director, Finance and Administration
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