Darcy Van Patten

Darcy is responsible for enabling high-quality digital experiences in support of day-to-day productivity and collaboration, learning, support services, digital engagement, administrative services, and student services. Her University of Arizona portfolio includes the departments of Administrative Technologies, Digital Experience Technologies, and Student and Academic Technologies. Darcy leads through the lens of innovating the business through technology enablement and human centered collaborative problem solving – always with an eye toward creating the most valuable outcomes in support of the University’s mission, and delivering a high-quality digital experience for our faculty, staff, students, and strategic constituents.
Darcy has been with the University of Arizona since 2017 where she led Student and Academic Technologies and the Trellis CRM program. She was appointed to CTO in April 2021. Darcy has over 15 years in product design, software development and IT in higher education, with additional experience as a researcher, business consultant, and non-profit leader. She has a Bachelor of Science in Oceanography from the University of Washington, and a Master of Science in Digital Audience Strategy from Arizona State University.
Organizational Chart for CTO (UAccess login)
Read about the Chief Technology Office on the About Us page.