Highlighting UA Supercomputing

Nov. 27, 2017
Dr Joellen Russell is one of the researchers featured

University of Arizona researchers are changing the world, and they are using computing resources to make their research possible.


Arizona's three state universities attend the SC (Supercomputing Conference) each year and co-exhibit their research computing capabilities to attract talent to the state's higher ed institutions. At SC17, November 12-17 in Denver, UITS staff from Research Computing and Research Services Group shared the above video with conference-goers to showcase the use of UA research computing resources.

Dr. Kate Isaacs, Computer Science, featured in the video, also attended SC17. She had conference goers participate in her research at the Arizona Research exhibit by viewing visualizations and filling out a survey. Her research station was a huge hit at the conference, perhaps due to the stuffed toy bobcat she gave away to participants!

Having so many conference goers come by the exhibit gave our UA exhibitors a chance to discuss the resources and programs available to the many graduate and undergraduate students interested in advanced degree programs.

Ryan Duitman, IT Manager for Campus IT Operations, managed the connections for the conference's network to support all the attendees and exhibitors. Volunteers with SCinet bring equipment and expertise from across the country and world to the conference, and Ryan contributed to a successful build.

This annual event is an opportunity for members of the campus community to learn more about what's new in supercomputing, talk to vendors, and recruit students and staff to the University of Arizona. Our UITS staff succeeded in all fronts.

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